本文构造出一种迭代求解线性方程组的向前向后 TOR 方法——FBTOR 方法,它包含了熟知的 Jacobi,Gauss—Seidel、SOR、AOR、SAOR 及FBAOR 方法,并讨论了系数阵为对称正定律、不可约 H—阵、正定阵、广义正定阵及稳定阵时 FBTOR 方法的收敛性。
In this paper,we construct a kind of forward and backward TOR method for iterative solution of linear systems——FBTOR method,it includes the well—known Jacobi method,Gauss—seidel method,SOR method,AOR method,SAOR method and FBAOR method.This paper chi- efly discusses the convergence of FBTOR method in the cases where the coefficient matrices are symmetric positively definite matrites,irreducible H—matrices,positively definite matrites,generalized positively definite matrices and stable matrices respectively.
this work was supported by the Foundation of Doctor base of the National Education Committee