
黑龙江中上游地区早熟野生大豆种质资源的抗旱性鉴定 被引量:12

Drought Tolerance Evaluation of the Early-Maturing Annual Wild Soybeans from the Upper and Middle Reaches of Heilongjiang River
摘要 一年生野生大豆是栽培大豆的祖先种,具有遗传变异丰富、蛋白质含量高、抗逆性强等特点。我国东北北部地区野生大豆分布广泛,但对该地区野生大豆种质资源的性状鉴定和育种利用相对滞后。本试验选用来自黑龙江中上游地区、生育期相近的30份野生大豆资源,在人工控制水分的条件下进行全生育期多性状抗旱性鉴定。试验结果表明,不同性状对干旱胁迫的反应存在一定差异,其中产量和株高反应敏感,生育期性状及百粒重反应钝感。对所得抗旱性度量值(D)进行聚类分析,将供试材料划分为5个级别,其中I级(高度抗旱型) 2份(锦05017,C05038)、II级(中度抗旱型) 4份、III级(弱抗旱型) 12份、IV级(水分敏感型) 10份、V级(水分高度敏感型) 2份。抗旱性度量值(D)与营养生长期(V)、分枝数及单株产量呈极显著正相关,与生殖生长期(R)及R/V比值呈负相关,表明在干旱胁迫条件下,营养生长期(V)相对较长、生殖生长期(R)相对较短、R/V较小的材料抗旱性较高。综上所述,根据多性状指标计算的抗旱性度量值(D)是评价野生大豆资源抗旱性的可靠指标。营养生长期、R/V、分枝数和单株产量等性状可作为野生大豆抗旱性评价的简便指标。 As the ancestor of cultivated soybean, wild soybean with annual habit ( Glycine soja Sieb. et Zucc. ) represents abundant genetic diversity, high protein content, strong tolerance to stresses, etc. The wild soybean was widely distributed in northeast part of China, but exploration and breeding application remained largely delayed. By using thirty wild soybean accessions that were collected from upper and middle reaches of the Heilongjiang River, we evaluated the drought tolerance both in normal irrigation and drought stress treatments using multiple indices. The results showed the differences in responses of various traits of wild soybeans to drought stress, i. e. , that yield and plant height were sensitive to drought stress whereas 100-seed weight and maturity traits were insensitive. These accessions were classified into five groups according to the drought tolerance comprehensive value (D). Two acces- sions (Jin 05017 and C05038 )were classified into grade I (highly-tolerant), four accessions in grade II( medium-tol- erant) ,12 in grade III (weakly-tolerant), 10 in grade IV (water-sensitive)and 2 in grade V (highly-sensitive to water). D value, as the comprehensive index of drought tolerance, positively correlated to vegetative growth period ( V), branch number and seed yield per plant, and negatively correlated to reproductive period (R) and the ration ofR to V(R/V). That indicated that wild soybeans with longer vegetative growth period, shorter reproductive period and smaller R/V ratio became tolerant to drought stress. Taken together, this work suggested the D value as the com- prehensive index based on multiple traits might be a reliable indicator for evaluating the drought tolerance of wild soybeans. Alternatively, vegetative period, R/V ration, branch number and seed yield per plant can be used as sim- ple indices for drought tolerance evaluation.
作者 崔杰印 武婷婷 宋雯雯 贾鸿昌 吴纪安 韩天富 CUI Jie-yin;WU Ting-ting;SONG Wen-wen;JIA Hong-chang;WU Ji-an;HAN Tian-fu(Institute of Crop Sciences,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Soybean Biology(Belting),Ministry of Agriculture,Beijing 100081;Heihe Branch of Heilongfiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Heihe 164300)
出处 《植物遗传资源学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期1073-1082,共10页 Journal of Plant Genetic Resources
基金 国家现代农业产业技术体系建设专项(CARS-04) 中国农业科学院农业科技创新工程
关键词 野生大豆 干旱胁迫 抗旱性鉴定 D值 wild soybean ( Glycine soja) drought stress evaluation of drought tolerance D value
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