
马克思与罗尔斯论资本主义正义:一种合理的综合? 被引量:2

Marx's and Rawls' Views on Capitalist Justice:A Reasonable Integration?
摘要 关于资本主义的正义问题,马克思与罗尔斯虽然都主张资本主义是非正义的,但在理论方法上存在明显的差异。罗尔斯把市场视为正义社会基本机构的关键因素,马克思则反对市场,认为市场必然造成劳动者的异化,使人与人之间的关系表现为物与物的关系。不过,可以通过重新阐释马克思与罗尔斯以指认他们的观点相近之处并尝试对二人的理论进行合理的综合。按照马克思的雇佣劳动制度理论,依赖劳动力后备军的资本主义违背了资本主义的差别原则;按照罗尔斯的基本结构规则公平的一般标准,我们同样可以看出雇佣劳动制度的不公平。罗尔斯的正义论需要借助马克思的资本主义理论强化资本主义批判,马克思的资本主义道德批判需要罗尔斯的公平基本结构规则的标准提供理论支撑。 On the justice of capitalism, although both Marx and Rawls advocated that capitalism was unjust, there were obvious differences in theoretical methods. Rawls regarded the market as the key factor of the basic institutions of a just society, while Marx opposed the market, who believed that the market was doom to cause the alienation of workers and made the relationship of men degrade to the relationship of matters. However, by reinterpreting Marx and Rawls, we can identify the similarities between their views and attempt to fuse their theories rationally. According to Marx's theory of employment labor system, capitalism relying on the labor pool violates the principle of difference of capitalism; according to the general standard of fairness of Rawls" basic structural rules, we can also see the unfairness of employment labor system. Rawls" theory of justice needs to strengthen the criticism of capitalism aided by Marx's capitalist theory. Marx's criticism of capitalist morality needs Rawlss standard of basic fair structure rules to provide theoretical support.
作者 伊恩·亨特 王宁(译) Written by Ian Hunter ;Translated by Wang Ning(School of Philosophy,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China)
出处 《学术交流》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第10期49-59,共11页 Academic Exchange
关键词 马克思 罗尔斯 正义 市场 劳动力后备军 自由社会主义 Marx Rawls justice market labor pool free socialism
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