
化学需氧量的检测方法 被引量:2

Method for detecting chemical oxygen demand
摘要 社会的快速发展加剧了水体污染的发生,并对各领域可持续发展造成了严重的威胁。而化学需氧量作为检测水体有机物污染程度的重要指标,对保护生态环境,促进地区间稳定有序的发展进程具有深远的影响。基于此,本文对当前化学需氧量中的检测方法进行相关研讨,以此提升化学需氧量检测的质量及效率。 With the rapid development of society, the occurrence of water pollution has been aggravated, and it has caused serious threats to the sustainable development of various felds. As a important indicator to detect the degree of organic matter pollution in water bodies, chemical oxygen demand has a profound impact on the protection of the ecological environment and the promotion of stable and orderly development between regions. Based on this, this paper will discuss the current detection methods of chemical oxygen demand, and improve the quality and effciency of chemical oxygen demand detection.
作者 陈瞳 Chen Tong(HuoJia County Environmental Monitoring Station,Xinxiang City,He'nan Province,Xinxiang He'nan 453800,China)
出处 《环境与发展》 2018年第11期115-115,117,共2页 Environment & Development
关键词 化学需氧量 检测方法 Chemical oxygen demand Detection method
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