
被压制者的叙事--从底层视角看当代女性诗歌的“软性抵抗”写作 被引量:1

The Narrative of the Downtrodden: View the “Soft Resistance” of Contemporary Female Poetry from the Underlying Perspective
摘要 从存在/生存与历史/时间的双重视域考察当代中国女性诗歌写作实践,将有助于发现女性诗歌的底层叙事特征,也即作为被压制者叙事的女性诗歌的软性抵抗方式,这主要表现在三个方面:一是申诉女性苦难,体现着当代女性诗歌的政治自觉,可以郑小琼的《女工记》为代表;二是重建文化故乡,体现着反男权政治的新女性叙事,可以安琪、马莉、王小妮为代表;三是发现内在自我,体现着当代女性诗歌写作的小女人向度,可以陈会玲、钟雪、马思思等为代表。第三个维度所说的小女人,并不完全是传统意义的小,它也有融合超越性别的大,其部分写作的哲理性指向也显示出女性写作的深度拓展,而这可与第一维度的政治性思考、第二维度的文化论反思形成共鸣。 It would be helpful to find out the underlying narrative features of female poetry from the dual perspectives( existence, survival, history and time), which is in order to investigate the practice of Chinese women' s poetry writing. That is to say, it can be considered as the soft resistance mode of female poetry as narrated by the downtrodden. This is mainly reflected in three aspects : firstly, appealing the women' s sufferings to embody the political consciousness of contemporary- female poetry, and we can take a book "Women", written by Zheng Xiaoqiong as representative; secondly, the reconstruction of the cultural hometown reflects the new female narrative of anti -patriarchy politics, this can be represented by Angie, Mary- and Wang Xiaoni; last but not least, discovering the inner self reflects the direction of the little women in contemporary- female poetry- writing and which can be represented by Chen Huffing, Zhong Xue, Ma Sisi and so on. The little women who are mentioned in the third dimension are not completely little in the traditional sense, but they also have fused the large degree of transcending gender. The part of the writing' s philosophical direction also shows the deep expansion of women' s writing, which has resonance with the political thinking in the first dimension and the cultural reflection in the second dimension.
作者 何光顺 HE Guang-shun(Center for Foreign Literature and Culture,Faculty of Chinese Language and Culture,Guangdong University of Foreign Studies,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510420,China)
出处 《湘潭大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第6期103-109,共7页 Journal of Xiangtan University:Philosophy And Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“从物化到物感的中华美学时空思维结构演进研究”(18BZX136)
关键词 当代女性诗歌 底层视角 政治自觉 新女性叙事 小女人向度 contemporary female poetry underlying perspective political consciousness new female narrative orientation of little women
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