

The Chronology of Zhang Jingsheng's Academic Career(excerpt)
摘要 张竞生是20世纪中国文化史上极具争议甚至非议的人物,在哲学、美学、逻辑学、性学、社会学、民俗学、文学等诸多学科领域都有所建树。他的毕生精力都在构建他的美的世界,从理论到实践都体现着自我价值追求以及前瞻性。1926-1928年的三年间,即张竞生在北京大学哲学系任教授的最后半年、第三次到上海到再度赴法国之前的两年半,这是张竞生81年人生中最具传奇色彩和学术生命最活跃、最重要的时期:1926年出版《性史》,1927年主编《新文化》月刊、创办美的书店,1928年主编《情化》杂志、首次翻译的《卢骚忏悔录》由美的书店初次出版等。在此期间,他不断应对各个方面的非议和攻击。由于种种原因,张竞生在很大程度上被各种偏见和口水淹没了,而被淹没的不仅仅是他在学术上的成就,甚至包括他的生平。从学术史角度而言,一个真实意义上的张竞生并未被凸显出来。 Despite the fact that Zhang Jingsheng was a figure of great controversy and even disapproval in the history of Chinese culture in the 20th century, he did obtain great accomolishments and even made a positive contribution in philosophy, aesthetics, logic, sexology, sociology, folk study, literature and many other fields. He devoted his heart and soul to the construction of his aesthetic world, demonstrating his self-worth and prescience both in theory and practice. During 81 years of his life, from 1926 to 1928 —— the last six mouths when Zhang Jingsheng was a professor teaching in the Philosophy Department in Beijing University plus the next two and a half years when he lived in Shanghai for the third time before going to France again —— he led the most colorful life and it was also the most active and important period of his academic life: in 1926, his Sexual History was published; in 1927, he worked as editor-in-chief of New Culture and opened the bookstore MEIDI; in 1928, he was editor-in-chief of Qinghua and translated Rousseau’s Les Confessions into Chinese, which was first published by MEIDI. During this period, Zhang Jingsheng was constantly confronted with all kinds of criticisms and attacks. Owing to different reasons, he was largely overwhelmed by various prejudices and censure. What has been neglected is not only his academic achievements but also his life. As a matter of fact, the role that Zhang Jingsheng played in the academic history has not been highlighted to show its significance.
作者 肖玉华 XIAO Yu-hua(College of Literature and Journalism,Hanshan Normal University,Chaozhou,Guangdong,521041)
出处 《韩山师范学院学报》 2018年第5期1-17,共17页 Journal of Hanshan Normal University
基金 广东省哲学社会科学"十三五"规划2017年度学科共建项目(项目编号:GD17XZW14)
关键词 张竞生 学术年谱 《性史》 《新文化》月刊 美的书店 《卢骚忏悔录》 Zhang Jingsheng;academic chronology;Sexual History;New Culture;bookstores MEIDI;Rousseau's Les Confessions
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