举世闻名的丝绸之路(Silk Road)是古代世界贯通中西方的道路,是商业之路,文化之路,艺术之路,音乐之路,宗教之路,也是文学之路。《走上丝绸之路的中国文学》一书收录了23篇中国社会科学院文学研究所的学者撰写的论文,文章结合丝绸之路的历史文献对此书加以评点,表达作者对相关问题的看法。
The world-famous Silk Road is a road connecting China with West in ancient times, which also is a road to business, culture, art, music, religion as well as to literature. The book of Chinese Literature on the Silk Road is a collection of twenty-three articles written by scholars of Literature Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Social Science. The paper will have a comment on this book on the basis of historical documents of the Silk Road and some opinions of the author’s will be expressed.
LIU Yuejin(Literature Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Social Science,Beijing 100732,China)
Journal of Tongren University