

Relation Management of Religious Organization in New Media Environment:An Analysis of Verified Christian Organization Accounts on Sina Weibo
摘要 本文从公共关系建立与维护的视角探究宗教组织在微博上的表现。论文采用公共关系维护六维度策略为理论框架,对新浪微博认证的29个基督教组织微博及其近一个月内发布的总计2939条微博进行了考察,构建了宗教组织微博关系维护的具体指标。数据分析显示,除个别指标外,总体上,调查样本的关系维护水平和程度较低。此外,本文也对宗教组织关系维护的指标与微博的影响力之间的关系分别进行了探究,结果表明,在一些指标上呈现出一定的相关度。 This paper adopted a relation management perspective to study the performances of religious organization on Sina Weibo. A theoretical framework of six-dimension-relation management, that is, access, assurance, networking, openness, positivity, and sharing task, was applied to measure the level of religious organization management. 29 verified Christian organizations accounts by Weibo.com as well as their 2939 posts within one recent month were analyzed. The results showed that most of the 29 organizations failed to maintain a sound relationship with their followers or other users. Additional, this research also revealed that there exist a positive relevant between the level of relation management of religious organizations and the influences of their Weibo accounts.
作者 黄冬 Huang Dong
出处 《新媒体与社会》 2014年第1期220-233,共14页 New Media and Society
关键词 关系管理 新浪微博 宗教组织 基督教 Relationship Maintenance Sina Weibo Religious organization Christianity
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