

On Network Participation under the View of Deliberative Democracy:A Case Analysis of "People Survey Column"
摘要 协商民主是20世纪后期在西方产生和兴起的一种重要民主理论,也是实现我国人民民主的重要形式,它强调公民在平等、公开的条件下进行公共政策的协商讨论。新媒体为公众提供了互动交往的平台,让协商民主有了新的实现途径。本文以人民网《人民调查》栏目为例,采用理论分析法和案例分析法,基于协商民主视角对《人民调查》栏目中的网络参与过程进行分析,探讨网络参与的利弊。研究发现,网络参与在协商民主中确有其独特的优势,但因其局限性,网络参与只能是协商民主的一种形式,并不能代替其他协商形式。最后根据研究结果对网络协商更理想的状态进行探究和展望。 Deliberative democracy is an important democracy theory which was started up and rised in the late 20th century, and it is an important way to athieve the People's Democracy in our Country, which emphasizes that citizen could discuss public policy in an equality and open condition. New media provides an interactive contacting platform for people and makes a new way to a-chieve deliberative democracy. This paper takes " People Survey Column" as an example, then analysis the process of network participation in People Survey Column based on the view of deliberative democracy by theoretical analysis and case analysis and discuss the advantage and disadvantage of network participation rationally. The paper makes a conclusion that network participation has exactly special ascendancy in deliberative democracy, but its limitation decides that the net- work participation can only be a modus of deliberative democracy, it can not in- stead of other consultation form. Based on the conclusion, this paper leads a further study and expectation for the better mode of network consultation.
作者 杜佳 Du Jia
出处 《新媒体与社会》 2014年第3期247-258,共12页 New Media and Society
关键词 协商民主 网络参与 人民调查 协商过程 Deliberative democracy Network participation People survey Consultation process
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