
2009—2012年政府部门应对突发公共卫生事件新闻发布效果研究 被引量:1

A Research on the News Release Effect of Government Handling Sudden Public Medical Issues from 2009 to 2012
摘要 近年来,公共卫生行业舆情事件频发。在处理突发公共卫生事件的过程中,除涉事医院的介入外,各级政府部门也通过多种新闻发布方式对事件进行调查或回应。本文通过分析2009—2012年影响较大的157起突发公共卫生事件中新闻发布的各要素,运用描述统计、交叉分析等方法,对新闻发布及其传播效果进行研究,研究发现:2009年至2012年,政府部门干预突发公共卫生事件的比例逐年下降;干预政府部门的级别越高,政府部门信息发布的时间越早,信息发布次数越少,则舆情持续时间越短;政府部门使用最多的新闻发布方式是接受媒体访问,最少的是通过微博/论坛进行回应;信息发布内容性质以问责性和陈述性为主,问责性的信息发布效果更佳。因此,政府部门要打好"组合拳",充分运用不同级别政府的组合及多种新闻发布方式进行信息公开,完成与媒体和公众的沟通;应充分发挥传统媒体机制,并学习运用微博、微信、"微访谈"等新媒体平台发布信息;在信息发布的内容性质上,应在对主要责任人员进行问责的基础上辅以解释,以回应公众质疑,并根据信息量考虑公众心理承受力,进行有层次、梯级的信息发布;要建立科学的新闻发布效果评估机制。 It is never rare to witness public opinions about public medical issues during recent years, during handling which, not only the involved hospitals but government sectors at all levels have engaged in researching and responding via all kinds of news release approaches. Applying the descriptive statistics, cross-over analysis and other research techniques, this dissertation undertakes a research on the news release approach and its public effect by analyzing 157 widely affected public medical issues from 2009 to 2012 which have governmental intervention, and draws conclusions that from 2009 to 2012, government sector has intervened less in sudden public medical issues year by year; high level government sector's intervention, earlier governmental news release and less relea- sing news will help to shorten the public opinion duration; the first choice tor government sector is to get media interviewing, and the last is to respond on microblog or torum; the most the government sector posts is accountable news and descriptive news, while the more effective one is accountable news. Consequently tor government departments, it is importantly to well combine several news relea- sing approaches and the influence of all levels of government to public news and communicate with the public and the mass media; it is essential to make the most of traditional mass media mechanism and try to use microblog, microletter, microinterview and so on to release news; it is of issue, respond to the public query and hierarc great concern hically release to explain the whole news on a basis of people's social acceptability while taking major official accountability; besides, it is of great help to establish a scientific news release effect evaluation mechanism.
作者 王凤皎 Wang Fengjiao
出处 《新媒体与社会》 2013年第2期118-133,共16页 New Media and Society
关键词 突发公共卫生事件 政府部门 新闻发布 效果 Sudden public medical issues Government sector News release Ettect
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