
中国校园“冷暴力”的舆情研究及对策分析 被引量:1

The Status Survey on Public Opinion of Emotional Abuses in School
摘要 百年大计,教育为本。改革开放以来,我国的教育事业发展成就显著,但由于我国正处于社会转型期,受社会经济发展不平衡等因素的影响,各类矛盾凸显,反映在教育领域则表现为存在教育资源分配不均衡、教育不公、评价机制不健全等一系列问题。自2011年10月西安发生"绿领巾"事件以来,校园"冷暴力"事件层出不穷,多米诺骨牌的连锁效应、媒介融合环境下传统媒体和新媒体的共同促进,导致该类事件舆情高潮不断,持续引发公众对教育公平、教育制度改革、师德师风建设等教育热点问题的关注。本文选取校园"冷暴力"事件中的若干典型案例,分析校园"冷暴力"事件的网络舆情特点,总结该类事件发生的深层次原因及相关教育部门在舆情应对中的得失,在此基础上,提出校园"冷暴力"事件的舆情应对策略,并对杜绝该类事件的发生提供对策,以期对我国教育事业健康发展提供一定的参考。 In a one-hundred year strategy of a nation, education is the most important basic. From the reform and opening-up, Chinese education systems have obtained great achievements. However, China has stepped into a period of transition where all sorts of contradictory concentrate. The social contradictions coming from unbalanced economic development, which reflected in educational field behaved tor unbalanced education resources allocation, unfair education, impertect evaluation system and so on. From the "green scarf" incident in Xi'an, a lot of emotional abuses in school have occurred. The domino effect, including the traditional and new media joint action, cause great public opinion climax, and lead to more and more people pay attention to a series of education problems, such as educational equality, educational system reforming and ethics of teachers constructing. This thesis is based on some typical cases about emotional abuses in school, in order to analyze the characteristics of public opinion, the deep-causes of emotional abuses and the problems of the main responsibility. At last, we will put forward some coping strategies of public opinion, and provide some effective measures about bow to stop the emotional abuses in school, so we can give some reierences to the healthy development of China's education.
作者 邢春燕 王晶 Xing Chunyan;Wang Jing
出处 《新媒体与社会》 2013年第1期166-183,共18页 New Media and Society
基金 上海交通大学舆情研究实验室“教育舆情”项目的阶段性成果,项目负责人:谢耘耕
关键词 校园“冷暴力” 网络舆情 事件链 新媒体 Emotional abuses in school Public opinion The chain of events New media
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