
历史环境再生之道:术器基承与时空转换 被引量:1

Regeneration of Historic Environment:Technology-tool Base and Time-space Conversion
摘要 历史环境复原可延续原功能或再生新功能。历史环境的再生过程是循序渐进的更替;营建政策、制度、技术、需求的不同,更替时序区域间各有不同。材料与技术具有地域性、时代性,相对稳定,较易延续而成为传统要素,而快速的城市化和信息化正在消解其时空特征。在保护传统和现代创造之间,历史环境需完成时空转换,转换过程遵循景观—场景—环境—氛围路径,转换程度因时因地而定。当前,我国的历史环境再生实践还停留在多点少线层面,再生标准规范亟待成形。而基于"器、术、道"三基点和时空两轴线的再生路径,无疑给立面的历史环境再生之"道"探索提供"势"面上的铺垫。 The historical scene of restoration can continue the original function, and the new function can be regenerated due to the times. The regeneration process of historical environment should be gradually change. Due to the differences in the background of construction policies, systems, technologies and requirements, there are differences in the replacement time series. However, construction materials and construction techniques are relatively stable for a certain period of time and become the traditional elements, while rapid urbanization and informatization have eliminated the spatio-temporal characteristics to a certain extent. Between the protection of traditional and modern creation, the regeneration of the historical environment needs to be completed in time and space transformation, and the conversion process follows the path landscape scene - environment-atmosphere. China's historical environmental regeneration practice still remains at the multi-point and less line level, and standard norms need to be formed. However, based on the regeneration path of the three basis points and the space-time axis, the "road" of the historical environment regeneration of the facade will provide the foundation for the "potential".
作者 康勇卫 KANG Yongwei(Conservation and Research Center for Ancient Villages and Towns in South China of Jiangxi Normal University,Nanchang Jiang xi 330022,China)
出处 《遗产与保护研究》 2018年第11期33-38,共6页 Research on Heritages and Preservation
基金 国家社科基金项目"明清民国时期江西民居时空分异格局及机理研究"(18CZS071)
关键词 历史环境 再生之道 术器 时空 转换 historic environment regeneration technology and tools time-space conversion
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