

Construction of personalized resource push system for rural doctors based on mobile terminal
摘要 在医学领域,目前现有的资源推送系统主要以城市医院的医务工作者作为研究和服务对象,以推送高端和前沿的医学知识为主,而乡村医生由于素质和能力与城市医院医生具有明显差距,工作内容也主要围绕农村常见病和多发病展开,显然这样的文献推送系统对于乡村医生来说使用价值并不高。因此,针对乡村医生的特点和实际需求,独立构建个性化资源推送系统,整体结构包括乡村医生注册层、乡村医生信息需求提交层、乡村医生初始资源推送层、乡村医生个性化资源推送层、人为限定和调整层、检索和推送情况自我评价层6个部分,以合理解决乡村医生资源获取不便的问题。 In the field of medicine,the existing resources push systems are especially for healthcare workers in urban hospitals,which mainly push high-end and cutting-edge medical knowledge. Rural doctors have poorer qualifications and abilities than doctors in urban hospitals,and their work mainly revolves around the common and prevalent diseases in rural areas,hence such literature push systems are not suitable for rural doctors. Therefore,it is necessary to construct a personalized resource push system based on the characteristics and the actual demand of rural doctors to solve the problem of rural doctors' inconvenience to obtain health resources. The system can be composed of 6 parts,including registration,submission of demands,push of initial resources,push of personalized resources,artificial limitation and adjustment,and evaluation of the push.
作者 宋歌 张曾昱 SONG Ge;ZHANG Ceng-yu(Hemodialysis Room,Affiliated Hospital of Jilin Medical College,Jilin,Jilin 132013,China)
出处 《中国农村卫生事业管理》 2018年第10期1293-1296,共4页 Chinese Rural Health Service Administration
基金 AILIS全国医学文献信息中心2016年科研基金项目(项目编号CALIS-2016-03-004)
关键词 乡村医生 资源推送 手机终端 rural doctor resource push mobile terminal
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