近年来,NFV技术取得了长足的发展,但是在微服务、云原生、智能化编排和管理方面还存在诸多急需解决的问题。3GPP发布了Release 15的5G网络规范,将NFV作为5G网络的基础技术,同时,还进一步定义了基于服务化架构的5G核心网以及基于网络切片的端到端网络业务编排与管理,同时也把低时延分布式的边缘应用作为5G网络的重要应用场景和基本架构需求。随着5G网络的商用,NFV面临的一些问题将得到有效解决,NFV的发展将进入新的阶段。
In recent years,NFV has made great progress so far,there are still many problems that need to be solved such as microservices,cloud native,intelligent orchestration and management. 3GPP has released the 5G network specification of Release 15,which uses NFV as the fundamental network technology. It defines the service based architecture(SBA)5G core network andthe end-to-end network service orchestration and management based on network slicing. At the same time,low-latencydistributed edge applications are important application scenarios and basic architecture requirements for 5G networks. Withthe commercial launch of 5G networks,some problems faced by NFV will be effectively solved,and the development of NFVwill enter a new stage.
Wang Weibin(ZTE Corporation,Nanjing 210012,China)
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