

Basic Experience of the Communist Party of China in Improving the Ability to Lead the Country in Development since the Reform and Opening-up
摘要 发展离不开党的领导,党领导发展的能力决定了我国经济社会发展的水平。回顾总结改革开放以来党领导发展能力建设的伟大历程,其基本经验主要归结为以下五个方面:必须始终坚持把巩固党的执政基础作为提高党的领导发展能力的基本前提,必须始终坚持把完成党的根本任务作为提高党的领导发展能力的基本要求,必须始终坚持把造福人民作为提高党的领导发展能力的根本目的,必须始终坚持把改革创新作为提高党的领导发展能力的根本方法,必须始终坚持把开放引领作为提高党的领导发展能力的根本途径。今天,这些经验对于进一步加强党的领导发展能力建设,从而全面建成小康社会,实现中华民族伟大复兴仍然具有重要意义。 Development of the country cannot be achieved without the leadership of the Party. The Party's ability to lead the country in its development determines the level of economic and social development in China. Looking back on the great course of the construction of the Party's such ability since the Reform and Opening up, we can summarize the basic experience as follows : we must always take the consolidation of the Party's ruling basis as the basic prerequisite for improving the Party's such ability; we must always regard accomplishing the fundamental tasks of the Party as the basic requirements for boosting the Party's such ability; we must always take the benefits of the people as the fundamental aim of increasing the Party's such ability; we must always take reform and innovation as the fundamental methods to advance the Party's such ability; and we must always take opening-up and guidance as the fundamental way to enhance it. Today such experience is still of great significance for further strengthening the Party's such ability, thereby building a well-off society in an all-round way, and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
作者 刘先江 LIU Xianjiang
出处 《湖南师范大学社会科学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第6期12-16,共5页 Journal of Social Science of Hunan Normal University
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目"以全面建成小康社会为目标提高党领导发展能力和水平研究"(15ZDC001) 湖南省社会科学基金重点项目"提升党领导发展能力和水平的历史经验与现实挑战"(16ZDB45)
关键词 改革开放 中国共产党 领导发展能力 基本经验 Reform and Opening up the Communist Party of China the ability to lead the country in development basic experience
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