

Empirical Study on Influencing Factors of Translation Competence among the Non-English-major Undergraduates:A Case Study of Huaihai Institute of Technology
摘要 根据国外PACTE研究小组所提出的翻译能力模型,以非英语专业本科生为研究对象,对其翻译能力进行问卷调查,并用SPSS19.0进行数据分项统计、对比和分析,指出显著影响翻译能力的主要因素有双语能力、语言外能力、翻译专业知识、工具能力、策略能力和心理生理因素等,从而为非英语专业本科生翻译能力的教学提供有效指导。 This paper is an empirical study of translation competence by investigating sequence actions subjects among the non-English-major undergraduates and the acceptability of their translation based on the theoretical framework and methodology of the PACTE group. It has made the questionnaire of influencing factors of translation competence. SPSS19.0 software was used for data analysis. The result has showed factors that can affect translation competence are bilingual sub-competence, extra-linguistic sub-competence, translating knowledge sub-competence, instrumental sub-competence, strategic sub-competence and psycho-physiological components. This study aims to explore the influencing factors of translation competence so as to effectively instruct the translation teaching among the non-English-major undergraduates.
作者 刘晓春 LIU Xiaochun(School of Foreign Languages,Huaihai Institute of Technology,Lianyungang 222005,China)
出处 《淮海工学院学报(人文社会科学版)》 2018年第12期133-136,共4页 Journal of Huaihai Institute of Technology(Humanities & Social Sciences Edition)
基金 淮海工学院教学改革研究课题(XJG2014-3-35)
关键词 非英语专业 本科生 翻译能力 non-English-major undergraduates translation competence
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