开采大采高工作面时,工作面端头处的矿压显现较为剧烈,极易发生顶板事故。因此,为确保回采工作的顺利进行,需要对大采高工作面端头进行有效支护。对晋城煤业集团寺河矿1308工作面端头区进行注水试验观测,对围岩裂隙发育机理进行了分析,并针对其破坏范围提出了注浆方案,得到了最佳注浆范围为距工作面7~28 m的区域,注浆孔的深度选取8 m较为合理。注浆效果检测表明,采用注浆工艺之后围岩两帮移近量缩小了将近55. 4%,底鼓程度缩小了将近45. 8%,有效地控制了巷道围岩的变形,避免了巷道大面积冒顶与片帮事故的发生。
Similar simulation experiment on the first mining face of the 3# re-mining coal seam in ShengHua Coal Industry shows that: when the working face is advancing to the gob side roadway or the coal pillars near the goaf, due to the small width of the gob side existing roadway and larger span of targeted zone, the stress concentration above the coal pillar causes the compression deformation of the coal pillar, which affecting the mining through the coal pillar and the gob side roadway greatly. Multi-round grouting method is carried out in a progressive way to achieve the stability of the coal wall and keep the gob side roadway structure intact, so to guarantee the re-mining smoothly.
Shanxi Coking Coal Science & Technology