
网约专车出行服务的乘客满意度模型 被引量:7

A Model of Passenger Satisfaction of Tailored Car-Sharing Service
摘要 本研究基于ACSI(美国顾客满意度指数)模型,构建了网约专车出行服务的乘客满意度模型,并对该模型进行了验证。该模型由乘客期望、感知质量、感知利益、感知风险、乘客满意度、乘客抱怨与乘客忠诚度六个变量构成。对267名有网约专车出行服务使用经验的乘客进行问卷调查,结果验证了该模型的可行性。本研究有利于完善顾客满意度理论,为管理者制定乘客满意度提升方案提供理论指导与支持,有助于企业相关业务的发展。 Based on the American Customer Satisfaction Index( ACSI) Model,the present study constructed the passenger satisfaction model of tailored car-sharing service and verified the model empirically by summarizing the features of tailored car-sharing service.The model consisted of six variables: passenger expectation,perceived quality,perceived benefit,perceived risk,passenger satisfaction,passenger complaints and passenger loyalty. To verify this model,267 passengers who used the service participated a questionnaire survey,and the feasibility of this model was confirmed. This study is conducive to improving the theory of customer satisfaction,providing theoretical guidance and support for managers to develop passenger satisfaction promotion programs,and contributing to the development of related enterprises within the industry.
作者 崔玲美 刘彤 陈毅文 CUI Ling-mei;LIU Tong;CHEN Yi-wen(CAS Key Laboratory of Behavioral Science,Institute of Psychology,Beijing 100101,China;Department of Psychology,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China)
出处 《应用心理学》 CSSCI 2018年第4期365-374,共10页 Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology
关键词 网约专车 移动商务 用户满意度 感知质量 tailored car-sharing service mobile business passenger satisfaction perceived quality
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