

Prevalence of short-acting contraceptive methods in Futian District,Shenzhen
摘要 目的全面了解深圳福田区育龄妇女短效避孕措施使用情况,为最大限度调动育龄群众节育主动性、减少因避孕方法失败导致的意外妊娠提供参考。方法以深圳福田区的9个街道计生服务站和福田区计生服务中心对20~49岁使用短效避孕措施的育龄妇女进行短效避孕措施使用及意外妊娠情况的问卷调查。结果 2 048名对象中现正使用的避孕措施为避孕套1 819例占88. 8%、安全期/体外排精115例占5. 6%、口服避孕药73例占3. 6%、外用避孕药41例占2. 0%。多数人认为避孕套、IUD或结扎最安全,比例分别为63. 1%、29. 6%。高年龄组认为避孕套最安全的比例较低,而认为上环结扎最安全的比例较高(P<0. 01);随着文化程度的升高认为避孕套最安全的比例升高,而认为上环结扎最安全的比例下降(P<0. 01)。因避孕失败导致流产的负面因素有年龄和生育子女数,而文化程度是保护因素。宣传材料、电视录像广播和网络是最受欢迎的宣传教育方式。结论有必要对不同年龄、文化程度、子女情况等特征的育龄妇女开展有针对性的避孕节育知情选择宣传教育,提高避孕药具质量,提高育龄人群获取免费避孕药具的主动性和易得性,以降低避孕失败率。 Objective To fully understand the use of short-acting contraceptives for women of childbearing age in Futian District of Shenzhen, in order to provide a reference for maximizing the contraceptive initiative of people and reducing unintended pregnancy caused by the failure of contraceptive methods. Methods Women aged 20 to 49 years using short-acting contraceptives came from family planning service stations of Futian District were collected as subjects. A questionnaire survey was conducted on the use of short-acting contraceptives and accidental pregnancy of those women. Results In 2 048 cases, the prevalence rates of condom, safety period/withdrawal, oral contra- ceptives, spermicides were 88.8% , 5.6% , 3.6%, and 2.0% , respectively. Most people believed condom and intra uterine device (IUD) were the safest contraceptive, the proportions were 63. 1% and 29.6% , respectively. The proportion of older women considered con- dom as the safest contraceptive method decreased, but considered IUD as the safest increased (P〈0. 01 ) . With the increase of education level, the proportion of women who considered condom as the safest increased, but considered IUD as the safest decreased (P〈0. 01 ). The influence factors of miscarriage due to contraceptive failure included age and the number of children, while education level was a protec- tive factor. Propaganda materials, TV/video/broadcast and network were the most popular ways of propaganda and education. Conclusion It is necessary to improve the quality of propaganda and education, improve the quality and accessibility of contraceptive method, to reduce the failure rate of contraception.
作者 冯宗丽 朱虔兮 FENG Zong-Li;ZHU Qian-Xi(Women and Children Health Institute Futian Shenzhen,Guangdong,Shenzhen 518045,China)
出处 《中国妇幼保健》 CAS 2018年第22期5210-5213,共4页 Maternal and Child Health Care of China
基金 广东省人口计生委科研课题(20133002)
关键词 短效避孕方法 避孕套 口服避孕药 宣传教育 Short-acting contraceptive methods Condom Oral contraceptives Propaganda and education
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