
西藏麦宾草(Elymus tangutorum)种子特征研究

Study on the Seed Characteristics of Elymus tangutorum
摘要 种子特征与幼苗的生存、发育和植株未来的竞争密切相关。本研究对分布在林芝地区八一镇野生草种西藏麦宾草(Elymus tangutorum)种子为试验对象,通过观测麦宾草主要形态特征,并对其种子特征及其萌发特性进行了分析。结果表明:西藏麦宾草的主杆长度、穗长、小穗数量的平均值分别为1354.65 mm、165.70 mm和51.85个,麦宾草种子扁平,圆形或半圆形,种子芒长介于1.0 mm^11.0 mm之间,平均值为8.0 mm,种子长度介于7.0 mm^14.0 mm之间,平均值为9.6 mm。通过对3个不同培养皿麦宾草种子千粒重、含水率及发芽率进行研究,发现西藏麦宾草种子千粒重(4.705 g、4.776 g、4.542 g)、含水率(11.65%,12.34%,10.49%)和发芽率(73.70%,78.89%,59.63%)的平均值分别为4.67g、11.49%、70.74%,根(12.33 mm/d,12.35 mm/d,10.16 mm/d)和苗(17.67 mm/d,16.79 mm/d,13.33 mm/d)的生长速率平均值分别为11.61 mm/d、15.93 mm/d。且均表现为2号培养皿>1号培养皿>3号培养皿。总之,麦宾草种子千粒重越大,相应的含水率、发芽率也相对较高且生命力旺盛,萌发之后根和苗的生长速率也相对较快,发育过程中生长势呈现良好状态。 Seed Characteristics are closely related to the survival, development and future competition of seedling. The purpose of this research was to explore the seed characteristics and germination characteristics for the ripe seeds and main morphological features of the wild Elymus tangutorum in Bayi Town Nyingchi. Our results showed that the number of spikelet was not proportional to the length of the main stem and panicle length. The average value of the main stem and panicle length was 1354.65mm and 165.70mm, respectively. The average number of spikelet was 51.85. Ripe seeds of Elymus tangutorum were oval and flat. The values of seed awn length ranged from 1mm to 11mm, with a mean value of 8mm. The long stem of seed was between 7 and 14mm, with the average value 9.6mm. The seed characteristics of three seed petri dishes of Elymus tangutorum (2〉1〉3) were observed under normal temperature, and the average values of thousand-grain weight (4.705g、4.776g、4.542g) and water content (11.65%,12.34%,10.49%) were 4.67g and 11.49%. The average seed moisture content (73.70%,78.89%,59.63%) was 70.74%. What’s more, the average growth rate of roots (12.33 mm/d, 12.35 mm/d, 10.16 mm/d)and shoots (17.67 mm/d,16.79 mm/d,13.33 mm/d) was 11.61 mm/d and 15.93 mm/d. In conclusion, the 1000-grain weight of Elymus seeds is higher, the corresponding water content and germination rate will be higher, and the vitality will be stronger, moreover, roots and seedlings will grow faster after germination, and their growth potential will be in good condition during development.
作者 彭艳 索朗央措 马素洁 魏学红 PENG Yan;Suolang Yangcuo;MA Sujie;WEI Xuehong(Res.Institute of Tibet Plateau Ecology,Tibet Agricultural and Animal Husbandry University,Nyingchi Tibet,860000 China;Tibet Key Laboratory of Forest Ecology,Ministry of Education,Nyingchi Tibet,860000 China;National Key Station of Field Scientific Observation & Experiment of Alpine forest Ecology System in Nyingchi Tibet,Nyingchi Tibet,860000 China;Animal Science College,Tibet Agriculture &Animal Husbandry University,Nyingchi Tibet,860000,China)
出处 《高原农业》 2018年第4期360-365,共6页 Journal of Plateau Agriculture
基金 国家重点研发计划(2016YFC0502003) 饲草产业重大专项(Z2013C02N02_03) 国家自然科学基金项目(31760692) 西藏高原生态安全联合实验室开放基金(STX2018-12) 2016中央财政支持地方高校发展专项资金(高原家畜健康养殖技术集成与示范) 西藏草地保护与培育科研创新团队 西藏草业科学教学团队建设
关键词 麦宾草 种子 形态特征 种子特征 Elymus tangutorum seed morphological characteristics seed characteristics
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