
实木地采暖地板蓄热性能检测技术 被引量:1

Technology to Detect Heat Storage Efficiency of Solid Wood Flooring for Ground with Heating System
摘要 【目的】提出一种基于密闭绝热腔体的实木地采暖地板蓄热性能检测方法,并开发采暖地板蓄热性能检测装置,为我国地采暖地板行业产品标准化提供借鉴。【方法】将密闭绝热腔体空间均匀分成L×M×N个小的空间区域,每个小空间内安装温度传感器。将加热到一定温度T_e的实木板材试件置于初始温度为T_0(T_e>T_0)的密闭绝热腔体中作为热源向外释放热量。当达到平衡状态后,通过传感器检测每个小空间的温度,根据前后变化的温度差、每个小空间的体积及空气比热容计算试件释放热量前后每个小空间内空气所吸收的热量。对每个小空间内空气吸收的热量进行累加,得出试件释放出的总热量,根据热量与质量比值,计算实木板材在该工况条件下的蓄热性能。【结果】在密闭绝热腔体初始温度20℃、试件温度70℃的工况条件下,对水曲柳、红松和白栎树种地采暖地板分别经过10次测试,得出3种实木地采暖地板的蓄热性能分别为105.70、106.27和101.99 J·℃^(-1)。【结论】基于对实木地采暖地板蓄热性能的检测方法及开发的检测装置,通过对3个树种地采暖地板蓄热性能的多次检测,检测数据方差均小于1.00,表明检测数据较为稳定,能够准确检测出某类树种采暖地板的蓄热性能参数并评价该类地板的蓄热性能。本研究提出的地采暖地板蓄热性能检测方法及开发的检测装置,可为行业或国家标准的建立提供分析方法与仪器,对我国地采暖地板行业产品标准化具有重要意义。 【Objective】 In this paper, a method of detecting heat storage performance on solid wood flooring,which used for ground with heating system,based on closed adiabatic cavity was proposed, and a detecting device of heat storage efficiency has been developed, which could provide reference for the standardization of wood flooring for ground with heating system in China.【Method】 In the closed adiabatic cavity,L × M × N small spaces where temperature sensors can be installed are symmetrically divided. A wooden specimen which was heated to T e is placed to the closed adiabatic cavity whose initial temperature is T 0( T e 〉 T 0), and the specimens can be considered as a heat source to release. Temperatures of each small space can be detected by sensors when the equilibrium state is reached in space. According to the temperature changes, volume of each small space and volume specific heat capacity of air,and heat release quantity from specimen could be calculated in each small space. By accumulating the heat absorbed in each small space, the total heat quantity released value can be obtained, and the heat storage efficiency of the wooden board can be calculated by the ratio of the total heat and the quantity under these conditions.【Result】 Three kinds of wood flooring for ground with heating system,such as Fraxinus mandshurica, Pinus koraiensis and Quercus fabri are tested 10 times respectively under the condition that initial temperature is 20 ℃ in detecting cavity and sample temperature is 70 ℃. Then the heat storage efficiency are gotten by averaging detecting result , which are 105.70, 106.27 and 101.99 J ·℃ -1 ,respectively.【Conclusion】 In this study, a method for testing heat storage efficiency performance of wood flooring for ground with heating system is proposed.According to the heat storage efficiency test applied on three kinds of wood,the results showed that the all variance is less than 1.00.The detecting device is steady and could accurately evaluate heat storage efficiency to wood flooring. The methods and device proposed in this paper provided analytical method and instrument for the establishment of industry and national standards, which has great significance to standardization of wood flooring for ground with heating system in China.
作者 杜光月 周世玉 刘大伟 周玉成 Du Guangyue;Zhou Shiyu;Liu Dawei;Zhou Yucheng(School of Information and Electrical Engineering,Shandong Jianzhu University Jinan 250101;School of Thermal Engineering,Shandong Jianzhu University Jinan 250101)
出处 《林业科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第11期7-13,共7页 Scientia Silvae Sinicae
基金 泰山学者优势特色学科人才团队(2015162)
关键词 地采暖地板 蓄热性能 检测方法 检测装置 密闭绝热腔体 wood flooring for ground with heating system heat storage efficiency detecting method detecting device closed adiabatic cavity
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