

The Shaper of the U. S. Global Commons Security Strategy: CNAS's Strategic Report of Contested Commons
摘要 "新美国安全中心"战略报告《决战公域》从巴里·波森的"全球公域控制权是美国霸权的军事基础"这一论断出发,对美国在全球公域面临的各种挑战进行了全面、细致的分析,并为美国继续保持全球公域控制权设计了一个内容具体、极具操作性的"三维战略",即在多边层面上主导建立全球性机制;在双边层面上接触负责任的关键行为体;在单边层面上重塑美国硬实力。该报告是后冷战时期有关美国大战略辩论的产物,并因"新美国安全中心"、报告撰写人及评审人浓厚的政府背景和美国特色的"旋转门"制度而在宏观上影响到美国国家安全战略的制定,在微观上影响到美国"亚太再平衡战略"的实施,因而值得国内学界和政界高度关注。 Based on the conclusion of Barry Posen that command of the global commons is the military foundation of U. S. hegemony,Contested Commons: the Future of American Power in a Multipolar World,the strategic report of CNAS made a comprehensive and detailed analysis to all kinds of challenges that U. S. faces in the global commons, and designed a concrete and highly operable three-dimension strategy for the U. S. to keep its command of the global commons: to lead to build stronger global regimes,to engage responsible pivotal actors,and to reshape American hard power. This report is the result of the debate on American grand strategy for the Post-Cold War Era. Furthermore,this report has both a macro influence on the formulation of the U. S. national security strategy and a micro influence on the implementationof the "re-pivot to Asia"strategy of the U. S. because of the strong governmental backgrounds of the writers and reviewers of this report and the U. S.-style"revolving door"mechanism. Therefore,this report deserves close attentions and meticulous observations fromdomestic academic and political circles.
作者 韩常顺 Han Changshun(School of International Relations and Public affairs of Fudan Universit)
出处 《中国周边外交学刊》 2016年第1期237-254,共18页 Journal of China's Neighboring Diplomacy
关键词 美国 全球公域安全战略 国家安全战略 亚太再平衡战略 新美国安全中心 the U. S. Global Commons Security Strategy National Se-curity Strategy Strategy of Rebalance to the Asia-Pacific CNAS
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