
高校对爱国主义文化传承的研究 被引量:1

Research on Inheritance of Patriotism Culture in Colleges and Universities
摘要 在经济全球化的今天,信息技术的不断发展将世界连接成一个整体,人们的思维模式、行为方式和价值取向也发生变化,爱国主义理想信念不可避免地受到一定的影响和冲击。高校是爱国主义教育的重要阵地,大学生是祖国的希望,因此,加强大学生爱国主义教育是当前高校爱国主义文化传承和发展的重要组成部分。论述爱国主义文化的内涵,分析当前爱国主义文化传承中存在的问题,提出高校爱国主义文化传承的策略,以培养具有爱国主义文化信念的新时代大学生。 In today's economic globalization,the continuous development of information technology has connected the world as a whole. People's thinking patterns,behaviors,and values have also changed. The ideals and beliefs of patriotism are inevitably affected and impacted. Colleges and universities are important positions for patriotism education and training. College students are the hope of the motherland. Therefore,strengthening patriotism education of college students is an important part of the inheritance and development of patriotic culture in colleges and universities. This paper discusses the connotation of patriotism culture,analyzes the current problems in the inheritance of patriotism culture and puts forward strategies for the inheritance of patriotism culture in colleges and universities so as to cultivate college students in a new era with patriotic cultural beliefs.
作者 王滨生 孟书宇 王一植 WANG Bin-sheng;MENG Shu-yu;WANG Yi-zhi(Dalian University of Foreign Languages,Dalian 116044,China)
机构地区 大连外国语大学
出处 《林区教学》 2018年第11期11-12,共2页 Teaching of Forestry Region
基金 2017年度大连外国语大学党建研究课题一般项目"青年习近平精神对新时代大学生党员的引领作用研究"
关键词 高校 爱国主义 文化 传承 colleges and universities patriotism culture inheritance
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