目的分析皮肤病学领域与护理相关SCI论文,梳理研究态势和热点,为进一步开展皮肤护理学领域研究和管理提供依据。方法以1998-2017年Web of Science发表皮肤病学领域与护理相关的SCI论文作为数据源,运用分类统计、文献计量学和CiteSpace Ⅱ可视化软件进行相关描述和图谱绘制。结果皮肤病学领域与护理相关SCI论文发文量和被引频次基本呈现增长态势;发文量以美国最多,中国排名第8;皮肤病学领域Contact Dermatitis等10种期刊发表了近60.88%的皮肤病领域与护理相关SCI论文,影响因子集中在1-5;以Qureshi等学者为中心的研究团队最具影响力;皮肤护理学领域研究集中在压力性损伤、烧伤、下肢静脉溃疡、职业性皮肤病、特应性皮炎、湿疹、银屑病与感染性皮肤病的发生率、预防、管理、照护、生命质量以及经济负担等方面;对高被引论文分析发现多学科协作及皮肤科专科护士在疾病管理中具有重要意义。结论通过分析发现皮肤护理学仍处在发展阶段,需在汲取研究热点及前沿的基础上,探索和拓宽皮肤护理学的研究领域,并不断培养皮肤护理专科人才,促进皮肤护理学专科领域的发展。
Objective To analyze the situation and hot field of dermatology nursing research and provide reference for research and research management. Methods The bibliometric, classified statistics and CiteSpace Ⅱ visualized analysis methods were used to describe map by collecting dermatology nursing papers of Web of science published from 1998 to 2017. Results It experienced growth of the total amount of the published articles and citation. The USA has the largest number of research papers and China ranks the eighth. The journal Contact Dermatitis and 9 journals published nearly 60.88% of SCI papers with dermatology related nursing. Most articles were published on journals with impact factor ranging 1-5. The Qureshi AA research team is the most influential. The articles of dermatology nursing research focused on the incidence, prevention, management, care, quality of life and the economic burden with stress injury, burn, venous leg ulcer, occupational skin diseases, atopic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, and infectious skin disease. The analysis of highly cited papers found that multidisciplinary collaboration and dermatological nurses are of great importance in disease management. The analysis of highly cited papers found that multidisciplinary collaboration and dermatological nurses are of great importance in disease management. Conclusion It was found that dermatology nursing is in developing stage. Based on the research hotspot and frontier, the research field of dermatology nursing should be explored and widen. The dermatology nursing specialist should be trained and cultivated, which would promote the development of dermatology nursing discipline.
Zhang Xiujie;Wang Aiping;Shi Tieying;Feng Li(Nursing Department,the First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University,Dalian 116011,China)
Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing