In recent years, China's interest rate marketization reform has been accelerated. Deposit andloan interest rate controls have been liberalized, and the autonomy of commercial banks' loan pricing has beenenhanced. We selects M2 quarterly growth rate, 7-day repo rate of inter-bank bond, commercial banks' cost-toincomeratio, net interest margin, liquidity ratio, return on equity, corporate' asset-liability ratio, CPI quarterlygrowth rate and GDP quarterly growth rate as explanatory variables, then analyze the explanatory power of eachvariable on commercial banks' loan pricing using Bayesian model averaging method. The empirical results of thispaper support conclusions of the traditional qualitative analysis, and highlight the great influence of commercialbanks' ROE target, management ability and the central bank's monetary policy on commercial banks' loan prices.Finally, we provide some policy recommendations for China's banking regulatory authorities and the central bankon how to effectively guide commercial banks to reduce loan prices and relieve corporate financing difficulties.
Financial Regulation Research