
特高频时差定位法在GIS局部放电检测中的应用 被引量:7

Application of Ultra High Frequency TDOA in GIS Partial Discharge
摘要 阐述特高频时差定位法检测气体绝缘金属封闭开关(GIS)局部放电的基本原理,介绍时差定位法在GIS设备局放检测中的重要性和准确性。针对GIS局部放电实际案例,利用该检测方法精确定位缺陷位置,成功避免一起重大安全事故,为今后局部放电定位检测提供了宝贵经验。 The basic principle of the ultra high frequency (UHF) time difference of arrival(TDOA) method in the GIS partialdischarge (PD)detection.The importance and the accuracy of TDOA in detecting the PD of GIS are discussed. Anactual case of using UHF TDOA method to accurately locate PD is presented. In this case, a major safety accidentwas successfully avoided.The example provides valuable experiences for the future fault positioning in GIS.
作者 马建涛 冯新岩 崔勇 杨承龙 石秀岩 MA Jiantao;FENG Xinyan;CUI Yong;YANG Chenglong;SHI Xiuyan(State Grid Shandong Electric Power Maintenance Company,Jinan 250018,China)
出处 《山东电力技术》 2018年第10期49-52,共4页 Shandong Electric Power
关键词 特高频时差定位法 时差定位 GIS设备 局部放电 ultra high frequency TDOA time difference of arrival (TDOA) GIS partial discharge (PD)
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