
生产全球化背景下中国光电设备制造业出口的经济利益和环境成本:基于网络分析的中美比较研究 被引量:2

Economic Benefits and Environmental Costs of China's Exports of Electrical and Optical Equipment under the background of Global Production:A Comparison with USA Based on Network Analysis
摘要 本文分别用增加值和二氧化碳(CO2)排放代表出口的经济利益和环境成本,从国家(经济体)、部门和国家(经济体)—部门三个层面,前向和后向两个角度刻画1995—2009年中国光电设备制造业出口的全球增加值网络和全球碳排放网络,并将其与美国进行比较。研究结果表明:1995—2009年中国光电设备制造业前后向增加值和CO2出口均增加,后向出口大于前向;美国光电设备制造业前后向CO2出口均减少;国家(经济体)网络分析显示美国、德国、日本和韩国是中国光电设备制造业前向输出增加值的主要目的国和后向吸收增加值的主要来源国;中国光电设备制造业后向出口的CO2中有8%~24%来自其他国家(经济体),远低于美国;部门网络分析表明光电设备制造业和电力、燃气及水的供应业分别是中国光电设备制造业吸收增加值和CO2排放的最大来源部门;中国光电设备制造业国家(经济体)—部门网络自1995年就呈现出全球化特点,且平均联系强度增强,网络的输出输入强度主要集中在少数国家(经济体)—部门。 Using value-added and CO2 emissions as representatives of economic bene- fits and environmental costs of exports respectively, this paper maps global value networks (GVNs) and global emissions networks (GENs) of China's exports of electrical and optical equipment during 1995-2009. This paper investigates the GVNs and GENs from national, sectoral and national-sectoral perspectives, and analyses are conducted from both forward and backward linkages. A comparison is conducted between China and USA. Re- suits show that both the forward and backward value-added and CO2 emissions exports of China's electrical and optical equipment increased during 1995-2009, and the backward exports were larger than forward exports. While the forward and backward COzemissions exports of USA's electrical and optical equipment decreased. National GVNs and GENs show that USA, Germany, Japan and Korea are the main destinations of forward value- added exports of China's electrical and optical equipment, and they are also the main sources of backward value-added exports of China's electrical and optical equipment. CO2 emissions from other countries (economies) occupied 8%- 24% of backward CO2 emissions exports of China's electrical and optical equipment, which is much smaller than that of USA. Sectoral GVNs and GENs show that sectors "electrical and optical equipment" and "electricity, gas and water supply" are respectively the sectors that provide most value- added and CO2 emissions to backward exports of China's electrical and optical equipment. National-sectoral GVNs and GENs reveal that many country-sectors (economy-sectors) have involved in production of China's electrical and optical equipment exports since 1995, and the average strength among country-sectors (economy-sectors) has increased. Out-strengths and in-strengths of national-sectoral GVNs and GENs of China's electrical and optical equip- ment were mainly captured by several country-sectors (economy-sectors).
作者 赵玉焕 刘娅 王淞 李浩 曹叶 ZHAO Yuhuan;LIU Ya;WANG Song;LI Hao;CAO Ye
出处 《国际贸易问题》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第11期145-161,共17页 Journal of International Trade
基金 北京市社会科学基金一般项目"北京市出口贸易的经济利益和环境成本研究"(17JDYJB010) 北京市自然科学基金面上项目"北京市居民消费结构变动对碳排放的影响研究"(9172015)
关键词 光电设备制造业 出口 经济利益 环境成本 中国 Electrical and Optical Equipment Sector Exports Economic Benefits Environmental Costs China
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