There are many controversies and divergences in the studies on the causes of the cease-fire in North- eastern China between the Kuomintang and the CPC. This paper detailedly analyzes the process of the cease-fire in Northeastern China, and points out that when the Kuomintang army just occupied Siping, Chiang kai-shek did not plan to continue the attack, and the Kuomintang, the CPC and the American Mediation Group were all willing to end the conflict. However, Chiang kai-shek suddenly changed his idea when he arrived at Shenyang, and the main reason was the Soviet Union' s army withdrew from the Northeast. In consideration of America' s strategic benefit, and especially in consideration of the soviet union. Marshall forced Chiang kai-shek to cease fire. Zhou Enlai strived for Marshall's support to try to accomplish the armistice. Under the situation that America threatened to stop transporting the soldiers to the Northeast for the Kuomintang, Chiang kai-shek was finally forced to agree to the armistice. Therefore, in the Northeast strategy, the Kuomintang government had to be subject to America' s arrangement on the Kuomintang and the CPC in the North Manchu area and South Manchu area, while America' s strategic plan on Northeastern China was completely in accordance of its strategy to the Soviet Union.
CPC History Studies