The relationship between the man and arms is a longstanding and hotly debated issue in the academia. Apart from the theory that "arms alone decide the outcome of war"and"psychic determinism ",there are different points of viewsuch as the "pseudo theory",theories of combination determinism, identity relationship, interactive transformation, the constant status of the primary and secondary,etc. To resolve the argument,it is necessary to apply the basic standpoint of Marxism to gain a profound understanding of the duality of arms,that is,the attributes both of the matter and man. The attribute of man plays a decisive role in arms,and determines that "Man is the decisive factor to the victory of war". To have a good command of the relationship between the man and arms,we should acknowledge that man is the decisive factor to the victory of war,examine and gain a clear understanding of the gap between the attribute of man and the goal of strengthening the armed forces,and prepare for military combat with a focus on the overall superiority of the attribute of man and arms.
Military Politics Review