背景介绍 美洲古代文明主要包括墨西哥的阿兹特克文明、中关洲北部的玛雅文明、秘鲁的印加文明和更古老的奥尔梅克文明。玛雅文明是其中的杰出代表,它于16世纪被西班牙殖民者摧毁,此后被长期湮没在热带丛林中。1839年,美国探险家约翰·斯蒂芬斯在洪都拉斯的热带丛林中发现了玛雅古文明遗址。
Patricia:I just finished watching this great documentary about the Mayan people...I learned so much! I had no idea that the Maya were still a major cultural group in Mexico! Did you know that sizable populations of Maya and their descendants still maintain traditions and beliefs of their ancestors? Even today, millions of people speak Mayan languages.