当今学术界有一种共识:单一的教学方法无法达到预期的教学目的,正确的做法应该是兼容并蓄。翻译法在一度受到排斥之后,又作为一种重要而有效的外语教学手段重新受到学术界的关注。Guy Cook作为西方翻译回归外语教学运动的杰出代表,于2010年3月出版《语言教学中的翻译:重新评价的理据》一书,再次为外语教学中的翻译正名。本文尝试分析该书的写作背景,较详细地介绍了该书的主要内容和写作亮点,并结合我国的英语教学实际探讨了该书的应用价值和借鉴意义。
There is a consensus in today's academic circles that single teaching method fails to achieve the desired teaching objectives,and the correct approach should be inclusive. Translation me-thod,as an important and effective foreign language teaching method, has attracted academic attention again after being rejected for a long time. As an outstanding representative to establish translation method in foreign language teaching in the west, Guy Cook wrote Translation in Languange Teaching: An Argument for Reassesment in March,2010. This paper tries to analyze the writing background of the book,introduces the main content and highlights of the book in detail,and probes into the application and significance of the book in combination with the practice of English teaching in China.
Foreign Studies