From the perspective of Teleology, it is obliged to ascribed the act of legal interest violation committed by whom has not reached an age of criminal responsibility to "commit a crime" regarding the latter section of 1 st paragraph of 29th article of the Criminal Law, namely, the unlawful offence;based on the distinction between unlawful and criminal re- sponsibility, admitting that "commit a crime" including the inculpable unlawful act under certain circumstances completely comforms to its accepted explnation. However, there are articles and paragraphs describing "commit a crime" as an action, which simply distinguishes offence from accusation, character of crime from quantity of crime, rather than the interpretation of "unlawful offence". On the grounds that the one has not reached an age of criminal responsibility may in fact have pos- sessed consciousness of normality, identifying a person tempting someone who has not reached an age of criminal responsi- bility as an instigator can cause harm to the certainty of laws. In principle, convicting such person who tempts another who has not reached an age of criminal responsibility of the indirect guilt does not violate the Theory of Restriction Dependency. The term "instigate" in the latter section of 1 st paragraph of 29th article refers to a broad conception, whose explanation is similar to "entice" in 2nd paragraph of 301st article with two situations - - "makes use of or aids and abets" in 6th para- graph of 347th article. As a matter of face, although the indirect guilt by tempting people who have not reached an age of criminal responsibility to commit a crime cannot be determined as instigating, its purpose and intention still fit the broad conception of instigation, thus, it should be given grievous penalties.
Science of Law:Journal of Northwest University of Political Science and Law
unlawful offence
theory of restriction dependency
indirect guil