
三级甲等医院护士对磁性医院文化的参与意愿及其影响因素研究 被引量:6

The level and factors associated with willingness to participate in magnet hospital culture among nurses working in tertiary A-Class hospitals
摘要 目的了解三级甲等医院护士对磁性医院文化的参与意愿及影响因素。方法以便利抽样法选取湖北省35所三级甲等医院的护士3 525名,采用自制一般资料调查表和护士对磁性医院文化参与意愿调查表进行调查。结果护士对磁性医院文化的参与意愿得分为(59. 20±8. 23)分,不同科室、工龄、学历、职称、职务、劳动关系的护士参与意愿得分比较,差异有统计学意义(P <0. 05,P <0. 01)。结论护士对磁性医院文化的参与愿意处于中等偏上水平,为进一步提高护士对磁性医院文化的参与意愿,应着力于护理管理者领导力的变革和临床护士的决策参与,重视高学历和高职称护士的引导作用,进而促进磁性医院文化的成功构建和实施。 Objective To investigate the level and factors associated with willingness to participate in magnet hospital culture among nurses working in tertiary A-Class hospitals. Methods A total of 3 525 nurses were recruited from 35 tertiary A-Class hospitals of Hubei province using convenience sampling and were surveyed by self-administrated questionnaires,including general information questionnaire and nurses' willingness to participate in magnet hospital culture questionnaire. Results Their willingness to participate in magnet hospital culture scored 59. 20 ± 8. 23. Significant differences were found in nurses' willingness to participate in magnet hospital culture depending on their working departments,service length,education level,professional title,post and employment type( P〈0. 05,P〈0. 01). Conclusion Nurses' willingness to participate in magnet hospital culture are at above average level,but still needs to be improved. Adequate attention should be paid to mangers' transformational leadership and nurses' decision-making ability,and encouragement should be given to nurses with high education level and professional title to play their role in instructing junior nurses,thus to facilitate establishment of magnet hospital culture.
作者 汪晖 胡凯利 官小莉 罗颖 Wang Hui;Hu Kaili;Guan Xiaoli;Luo Ying(Nursing Department,Tongji Hospital,Tongji Medical College,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430030,China)
出处 《护理学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第21期46-49,共4页 Journal of Nursing Science
基金 2017年护理管理科研基金项目(CNM-2017-02) 2017~2018年度湖北省卫生计生委科研项目(面上项目)(WJ2017M066)
关键词 护士 三级甲等医院 磁性医院 医院文化 参与意愿 nurse tertiary A Class hospital magnet hospital hospital culture willingness to participate
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