
1949~1952年烈属抚恤工作初探——以苏南地区为考察对象 被引量:3

A Preliminary Research of Martyr's Dependents Pension During 1949-1952: A Case of the South Jiangsu
摘要 烈属抚恤制是一种由政府向特定群体提供保障的制度。1949年中华人民共和国成立后,中国共产党将烈属抚恤工作确立为民政事业的一项重要内容。本文以江苏南部地区为个案,对此项工作进行了初步探究。从地域特点而言,苏南属于"新区"范畴,相对"老区"而言,该地区烈属人数有限。苏南区党委未因此忽视抚恤工作的重要性。区党委指示各地须向烈属提供粮食补助以解生活必需之急,并着手建立起完备的抚恤体系,为之后工作的开展奠定了组织基础。随着社会秩序的日趋稳定,抚恤工作开始步入正轨,国家制定了明确的"烈士"与"烈属"概念认定标准,苏南区党委也依该标准进行了烈属确认工作。在1949~1952年自身财力有限的背景下,区党委除了通过政权组织之外,还发动社会力量,以多种方式对烈属展开系统性的抚恤工作。这些方式包括了向他们提供经济补助、赋予烈属崇高的政治地位,以及根据城镇与农村的不同情况,有针对性地采取不同措施来解决烈属的生活困难问题等。从实行效果看,抚恤工作不仅改善了烈属自身的生活处境,而且促生社会形成了尊重烈属的心理,也使烈属成为新政权在基层的重要依靠力量。 The martyr pension system is a system provided by the government to specific groups.Since the founding of PRC in 1949,the CCP has established martyred pension as an important content of the civil affairs.This paper takes the south Jiangsu as a case and makes a preliminary research on it.In terms of regional characteristics,the south Jiangsu is regarded as"newly liberated area."Compared with"old liberated area,"the martyrs dependents in this areas were less in quantity.Even so,the Party committee of South Jiangsu District still attached importance to its pension system.In the initial stage,the committee requested all subordinates to provide food subsidies to martyr dependents to solve their urgent needs and began to launch a complete pension system,laying the foundation for the future work.With the increasing stability of the society,the pension system began to be formalized.The central government set the identity standards of"martyr"and"martyr’s dependents."With the limited financial resources in the early years of the state,the Party launched state organizations and social forces to carry out the systematic work in various ways,including giving honor to martyr’s families,solving their problems according to the urban and rural situations.In effect,the pension work improved not only their living standard,but also the social morale of respecting martyr’s dependents,making them the important supportive strength in the localities.
作者 黄骏 Huang Jun(School of Marxism,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023,China)
出处 《复旦学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第6期106-114,共9页 Fudan Journal(Social Sciences)
关键词 烈属 烈士 抚恤 苏南地区 martyr's dependents martyr pension South Jiangsu
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