
苏联赶超型的核工业发展政策——以乌拉尔地区为例 被引量:9

The Catch-up Development Policy of Soviet Nuclear Industry——A Case of Nuclear Industry Development in the Ural Region
摘要 在美国核威慑的刺激下,苏联迅速全面启动核计划,采取赶超型的发展方针,在短期内把当时国内最具有科技潜力的资源和人才集中在核工业发展领域。乌拉尔地区因其地缘、自然资源、工业基础和技术人才等优势,迅速发展成为核工业中心。苏联时期乌拉尔地区核工业的发展可以分为三个阶段:1945年8月到1949年8月是起步阶段,主要任务是为第一颗原子弹生产核材料;1949年9月到50年代中期是完善阶段,核武器综合体初具雏形;50年代末到80年代末是成熟阶段,核武器综合体发展完善,成为军事工业综合体的重要组成部分。苏联核工业通过赶超型的发展模式,在短期内实现了从无到有、从弱到强、从单一到多元的突破,打破了美国的核垄断,在与美国博弈的过程中逐渐实现了战略制衡的政治目标;在新的历史时期,乌拉尔地区核工业经过转型和重组,走出了困境,焕发了活力。切尔诺贝利核事故的发生,引发了世人对苏联核工业的负面评价。横向来看,美国在实施曼哈顿计划的过程中,军事和政治目标也高于道德和生态要求。 Stimulated by American nuclear deterrence, the Soviet Union quickly launched a comprehensive nuclear program and adopted a catch-up development policy. Quite soon, resources and talents with the best technological potentials at that time were allocated in developing the nuclear industry. Due to its geographical, natural resources, industrial infrastructure and technical talents, the Ural region has rapidly become a nuclear industrial center. The development of the nuclear industry in the Ural region during the Soviet period could be divided into three stages. At the initial stage(from August 1945 to August 1949) the main task is to produce nuclear materials for the first atomic bomb. From September 1949 to the mid-1950 s, it is the stage for improvement, the nuclear-weapon complex began to take shape. At the mature stage(from the late 1950 s till the end of the 1980 s), the nuclear weapon complex almost achieved its perfection and became an important part of the military industrial complex. Through the catch-up development model, the Soviet nuclear industry has achieved breakthroughs in a short-term, from scratch, from weak to strong, from single to multiple types, finally breaking the U.S. nuclear monopoly and gradually realizing its political goals of checks and balances while gaming with the U.S. In the new historical period, the nuclear industry in the Ural region has gone out of the predicament after transformation and restructuring. Although the Chernobyl nuclear accident triggered negative evaluations towards the Soviet nuclear industry, yet it should be pointed out that even when the U.S. implemented the Manhattan plan, military and political goals are still prior to moral and ecological goals.
出处 《俄罗斯研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第5期97-142,共46页 Russian Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目<苏联核计划档案文献资料翻译整理研究>(项目批准号:15ZDB064) 吉林大学研究生创新基金资助项目<苏联核计划中的核保密城市研究>(项目批准号:2017086)的阶段性成果
关键词 美苏关系 乌拉尔地区 苏联核工业 俄罗斯核工业 U.S.-Soviet Relationship the Ural Region Soviet Nuclear Industry Russian Nuclear Industry
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