
从肝主疏泄辨治杂病 被引量:13

Treating Miscellaneous Diseases from Liver Controlling Dispersion
摘要 肝主疏泄,疏可使气运行通而不滞;泄可使气散而不郁,调畅全身气机运行;肝失疏泄,气机运行不畅则可致多种疾病。气是构成和维持人体生命活动的最基本物质。"百病生于气",疾病多因脏腑经脉气机失调。消化系统可见胃黏膜糜烂,肝气疏泄失常,气血运行不畅,胃部黏膜失养而出现糜烂,治以逍遥散或丹栀逍遥散化裁;情志不畅还可引发胆汁排泄障碍,出现胆系疾病,治以疏肝利胆、养肝柔肝,小柴胡汤。妇科疾病如乳腺增生、子宫肌瘤与情绪失调密切相关,肝在女子生理、病理中的重要作用,应激能力失常,导致乳腺增生或子宫肌瘤,治以逍遥散、神效瓜蒌散、当归芍药散。内分泌受下丘脑中枢神经系统调节,情志不遂可导致内分泌失常,发生糖尿病、甲状腺结节等,治疗注重疏肝、调肝、柔肝、养肝,乌梅丸、柴胡舒肝散。从肝论治,紧抓肝失疏泄这一病机,以疏肝解郁为法,则气血调和,经络通利,诸病得治。 The liver main venting, so that Qi can run through without stagnation; venting can make the Qi disperse without stagnation, and regulate the whole body machine operation; liver loss and suffocation, the Qi machine running poorly can cause a variety of diseases. Qi is the most basic substance that constitutes and maintains human life activities. "All diseases are born in the Qi", the disease is mostly due to dysfunction of the organs of the organs. The digestive system can be seen in the gastric mucosal erosion, the liver Qi is dysfunctional, the blood and blood are not running smoothly, the gastric mucosa is dying and there is erosion,and it is treated with Xiaoyao powder(逍遥散) or Danzhi Xiaoyao powder(丹栀逍遥散). Unsatisfactory emotions can also cause bile excretion disorders, biliary diseases, treatment of liver and gallbladder, nourishing liver and liver, Xiaochaihu decoction(小柴胡汤). Gynecological diseases such as breast hyperplasia, uterine fibroids and emotional disorders are closely related, the liver plays an important role in women's physiology and pathology,and the stress ability is abnormal, leading to breast hyperplasia or uterine fibroids, Governance with Xiaoyao powder(逍遥散), Shenxiao Gualou powder(神效瓜蒌散), Danggui Shaoyao powder(当归芍药散). Endocrine regulation by the central nervous system of the hypothalamus can lead to endocrine disorders, diabetes,thyroid nodules, etc. The treatment focuses on soothing the liver, regulating the liver, softening the liver,nourishing the liver, Wumei pill(乌梅丸), Chaihu Shugan powder(柴胡疏肝散). From the treatment of the liver, grasping the pathogenesis of liver loss and stagnation, with the method of soothing the liver and relieving depression, the qi and blood are harmonious, the meridian is profitable, and the diseases are cured.
作者 艾梦环 关芳 王骄 李卫强 AI Menghuan;GUAN Fang;WANG Jiao;LI Weiqiang(Ningxia Medical University:1.Clinical and Experimental Research Directions of the 2016 Graduated Chinese Medicine Doctors for Treating Spleen and Stomach Diseases;Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinical Basics,College of Traditional Chinese Medicine;HUI Medicine Modernization Key Laboratory Authoriezed by China's Ministry of Education,Yinchuan750004,China)
出处 《实用中医内科杂志》 2018年第9期7-10,共4页 Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine
基金 宁夏医科大学一流学科建设项目(NXYLXK2017A06)~~
关键词 肝主疏泄 从肝论治 杂病 胃黏膜糜烂 逍遥散 丹栀逍遥散 胆汁排泄障碍 小柴胡汤 乳腺增生 子宫肌瘤 神效瓜蒌散 当归芍药散 糖尿病 甲状腺结节 乌梅丸 柴胡舒肝散 liver controlling dispersion treatment from the liver miscellaneous diseases gastric mucosal erosion Xiaoyao powder(逍遥散) Danzhi Xiaoyao powder(丹栀逍遥散) bile excretion disorder Xiaochaihu decoction(小柴胡汤) breast hyperplasia uterine fibroids Shenxiao Gualou powder(神效瓜蒌散) Danggui Shaoyao powder(当归芍药散) diabetes thyroid nodules Wumei pill(乌梅丸) Chaihu Shugan powder(柴胡疏肝散)
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