

An Analysis of the Principles of Information Publicity for Social Pension Servic
摘要 社会养老服务信息公开应当遵循知情权保障原则、公平原则,诚实信用原则和利益平衡原则。知情权保障原则之价值在于保障社会养老服务消费者的知情权、参与权、监督权和一般性程序请求权;公平原则内涵平等原则和公正原则,其以公正和平等为表现形式,并借助平等与公正得以实现,以保障知情权主体的权利平等、机会平等和法律地位平等;利益平衡原则借助利益平衡机制对信息公开知情权主体的权利作出合理限制或扩张,实现信息知情权人、国家及第三人间的利益在共存和相容的基础上达到合理的优化状态;诚实信用原则的核心是保护信息知情权人对社会养老服务公开信息的信赖所形成的合法利益,兼顾规范信息知情权人申请和利用社会养老服务信息的合理性。 The disclosure of social pension service information shall follow the principles of right to know,fairness,honesty and credit and balance of interests.The value of the principle of protection of the right to know lies in the protection of the right to know,the right to participate,the right to supervise and the right to request for general procedure of social pension service consumers.The principle of fairness contains the principle of equality and the principle of justice,which takes the form of justice and equality,and is realized by means of equality and justice,so as to guarantee the equality of rights,equal opportunities and equal legal status of the subject of the right to know.The principle of balance of interests makes use of the mechanism of balance of interests to restrict or expand reasonably the rights of the subject of the right to know in public information,so that the interests of the right to know of information,the state and the third party can be optimized on the basis of coexistence and compatibility.The core of the principle of good faith is to protect the legitimate interests formed by the right to know the right of information to trust the public information of social pension service,and to take into account the rationality of standardizing the application and utilization of the information of social pension service by the right to know information.
作者 熊金才 曹琼 XiongJin-cai;Cao Qiong(Shantou University Shantou 515063,China)
出处 《政法学刊》 2018年第5期32-38,共7页 Journal of Political Science and Law
基金 国家人文社会科学基金年度项目"社会养老服务体系建设的法律保障研究"(14BFX123) 汕头大学创新强校工程人文社科平台专项重大项目"政府购买养老服务的规范化研究"(38040107)
关键词 社会养老服务 信息公开 法律规范 社会养老权 social pension service information publicity legal regulation social pension right
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