

A Study on Zuiaiju Seal Impressions and Jingguanlou Impressions as Two Kinds of Seal Impressions Collected in the Library of China Academy of Art
摘要 2013年秋始,中国美术学院图书馆作为首批被列入国家可移动文物普查单位,参加了浙江省古籍收藏单位普查工作。文化部、国家文物局发文指出,这是新中国成立60多年来首次针对具有重大历史、艺术、科学价值的可移动文物展开的普查工作。中国美术学院院图书馆历时四年,对馆藏古籍进行了持续、全面、系统和国家标准化要求的整理工作,于2017年10月完成全部工作任务,该项目圆满结题。综观中国美院馆藏古籍类图书,印谱数量多、质量高,堪称全国兄弟院校之白眉。其中清代乾隆年间的原刻钤印本《醉爱居印赏》《静观楼印言》两种印谱具有重要的版本价值与研究价值。此文在对上述两种印谱进行全面考察、考证的基础上,进一步挖掘、研究了云间印人王睿章治印风格的来源、特点及其发展变化及对后世印风流派产生的积极影响。 In the autumn of 2013, the library of the China Academy of Art, as the first batch of units included in the survey on national movable cultural relics, was involved in the survey on the Zhejiang ancient book collection units. The Ministry of Culture and the State Administration of Cultural Heritage have issued a document stating that it was the first time that China launched a survey on movable cultural relics with great historical, artistic and scientific value since its founding. It took 4 years for the library of the China Academy of Art to carry out the comprehensive, systematic and up to national standards task of collating its ancient books. All the tasks was completed in October 2017 successfully. Based on a general survey of ancient books collected in the library of the China Academy of Art, with a large number of high quality seal impressions and ancient books, the library ranks the top, among universities and colleges in China. Among the seal impressions, the original copies of Zuiaiju Seal Impressions and Jingguanlou Impressions , as 2 kinds of seal impressions engraved during the administration of Emperor Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty, have great version values and research values. In this paper, on the basis of a comprehensive in vestigation of the 2 kinds of seal impressions mentioned, further research has been made to discuss the source, characteristics and changes of the engraving style of Wang Ruizhang (a famous engraver of the YunJian school) and its positive impact on engraving styles and schools of later generations.
作者 牛筱桔 梅雨恬 Niu Xiaoju;Mei Yutian
出处 《大学图书馆学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第6期101-109,共9页 Journal of Academic Libraries
基金 杭州市哲学社会科学规划课题研究项目成果(课题编号:G18JC014)
关键词 《醉爱居印赏》 《静观楼印言》 版本 王睿章 风格 Zuiaiju Seal Impressions Jingguanlou Impressions Version Wang Ruizhang Style
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