

Teaching Chinese as a Second Language in Hong Kong: A Case Study
摘要 香港社会华洋杂处,语言生态中英并重,"两文三语"的语言政策中有粤语和普通话,在这种情形下探讨华语二语教学是社会语言学的研究范畴之一。本文在汉语国际推广的框架下讨论华语二语教学的香港模式,提出了笔者的一些看法,包括中小学和大学层面两语(粤语和普通话)教育的现状和前瞻,主要观点包括:(1)香港模式的华语二语教学包括粤语和普通话,这是该模式有别于其他(内地或国外)模式的特点之一;(2)香港模式的一般原则是在中小学阶段以语带文,在大学阶段提倡并促进两语双向交流,在社会和语言运用的层面关注语音和语言结构的同时强调香港和内地的文化差异;(3)以大学生为对象的大学华语二语课程有充分的理由尝试新的教学理念和方法,比如语用为纲、口语先行、以考促学的模式。 Discussion is based on the social and linguistic reality of Hong Kong,with reference to the language policy known as "liangwen-sanyu",which means written Chinese and English and the three spoken forms of these two languages as commonly used in Hong Kong. This paper focuses on issues related to teaching Chinese as a Second Language in Hong Kong,covering the whole spectrum in CSL teaching( both Putonghua and Cantonese) from primary school to university. The paper puts forth three points. First,CSL teaching in Hong Kong as a model differs from others in its coverage,which embraces both Cantonese and Putonghua as two commonly used spoken codes. Second,principles for the Hong Kong model are to emphasize spoken language while paying attention to the written form in primary and secondary schools,to promote a two-way exchange between the two spoken codes at the university,and to give attention to language structure( sound,vocabulary and grammar) as well as cultural differences between Hong Kong and inland China in terms of language use. Third,regarding CSL programs at universities,it is recommended that we explore various new concepts and methodology,such as the Pragmatic Approach in which the spoken form is given priority and learning is encouraged by the positive washback of direct test.
作者 吴伟平
出处 《世界华文教学》 2015年第1期34-53,共20页
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“汉语二语学习的认知过程与高效率教学模式研究”(12&ZD224)的阶段性成果
关键词 华语二语教学 两文三语 香港模式 语用为纲 CSL Teaching and Learning Written Chinese and English Putonghua and Cantonese Hong Kong Model Pragmatic Approach
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