

The Effect of M.albus Desr ou phosphate Fertilizer
摘要 在白浆土上对草木樨进行了三年(1984—1986)磷肥试验。以亩施N素1kg作底肥,设每亩施磷肥(以P_2O_5计)0、1、3、6、9kg各处理组。施磷各处理组三年平均增产分别为13.7、33.7、41.0和45.0%,均达到极显著(α=0.01)水准。草木樨的品质也随施磷(P_2O_5)量的变化而变化。草木樨各处理组的粗蛋白含量分别增加11.3%、19.3%、8.7%和8.0%。经回归和相关分析,草木樨产量(鲜重与干重)和品质的磷肥效应函数方程分别为 y鲜=1125.7+133.74x-9.11x^2; y干=270.06+32.12x-2.19x^2; y蛋白=15.078+1.733x-0.255x^2。相关皆极显著,|r|>r_(0.01)。根据草木樨干草和磷肥的价格比值,核算出最佳经济施磷(P_2O_5)量为每亩3.36kg;粗蛋白含量最高的施磷(P_2O_5)量为每亩3.4kg。在当前价格条件下,两者巧合。按P_2O_5每亩3kg将磷肥分层施用(1/3作种肥,2/3施于15~20cm深处),可促使草木樨根系密集层下移,根瘤增加,有利于改良土壤,绿色体产量也有所增加。 From 1984 to 1986, A three-year experiment of applying quantity of phosphate fertilizer was made in the experimental fields of Heilongj iang August First Land Reclamation university. And the experiment of the position of applying fertilizer was made in 1985. The plot with the area of 15m2 was replicated for four times. The production was separately increased 13.7; 33.7; 41.0 and 45.0% when the P2O5 was applied 1 ; 3; 6; 9kg pen mu with 1 kg of nitrogen per mu as base fertilizer. The difference with the contrast all reached a significant level ( a =0.01). The effective equations of fresh and dry M.albusDesr. phosphate fertilizer are as follows.Y fresh = 1125.07 + 133.74X-9.1lX2Y dry = 270.06 + 32.12X-2.19X2, |r|>r0.01The quality of M.albus Desr. changed with the different applying quantity of phosphate fertilizer. when P2O5 was applied in 3kg per mu, the content of coarse protein in M.albus Desr. increased as the applying quantity of phosphate fertilizer increased. When P2O5 was applying more than 3kg per mu the content of coarse protein in M.albusDesr. decreased as the applying quantity of phosphate fertilizer increased. The content of coarse protein was the highest when the applying quantity was 3kg. The result through calculation of the regressive equation showed that the content of coarse protein was the highest when the Phosp hate ferti lcer(P2O5) Was applied 3.4kg per mu. The best economic applying quantity of phosphate fertilizer ( P2O5) calculated according to the unit price of dry M.albusDesr. and phosphate fertilizer is 3.36kg per mu. It is almost identical with the best quanlity applying quantity (3.4kg).Applying P2O5 3kg per mu in different layers (1/3 used as seed fertilizer, 2/3 applied in the deep of 15-20cm.) can spur the dense roots of M.albusDesr. deeper and increase root nodules.And it help improve soil and increase green plant weight.
出处 《河南科技大学学报(农学版)》 1991年第4期9-16,共8页
关键词 白浆土 草木樨 磷肥 M.albus Desr Phosphate fertilizer
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