试验以小麦品种豫麦10号为材料,研究了0.1ug ml^(-1)BR浸种对小麦种子萌发和土培条件下小麦苗体生长状况的影响。结果表明,无论在蒸馏水中或是在0.2M甘露醇溶液中BR处理发芽率分别比对照提高7.2%和9.0%,胚根条数分别比对照增加0.8条和O.9条。土培条件下,BR处理明显地促进根系发育,根干重比对照增加18.2%(40d)和11.5%(60d),根苗比比对照提高33.0%(40d)和21.8%(60d)。显而易见,BR改变了植株体内干物质的分配,为小麦苗体安全越冬和正常生长准备了物质基础。
The effect of BR soaking seed on germination rate and growth of seeding in winter wheat ( Triticum aestivum ) CV "Yumai No.10" was investagetd under distilled water, 0.2M mannitol and soil pot culture condations. The results show that applied 0.lug.ml -1 BR soaking seed may increase germination rate 7.2% and 9.0%, primary root number 0.8 and 0.9 than control under distilled water and 0.2M mannitol solution in germination media respectively. In the pot culture condation, applied 0.1ug.ml -1 BR soaking seed signifi cantly improved root systrem development, not only root dry weight was increased 18.2%(40d after sowing) and 11.5%(60d), but also root shoot ratio was increased 33.0% ( 40d ) and 21.8(60d). Further more, It is proposed that application of 0.1ug.ml-1BR soaking seed alter the dry weight distribution and improved nutrition tatus, and accumulated substance basic for safe hibernation and normal growth of winter wheat plant.
Brassinolide ( BR )
Germination Rate
Root Shoos Ratio) Root System Activity
Winter wheat.