作者于1989年4月至1990年4月,自建兔舍,亲自饲养,相继对6窝39只比利时兔进行了详细测定。其结果是:在一般饲养条件下,每只兔饲养110—130天,体重达2.07±0.11kg,即可出栏。每只兔从断奶至130天共消耗净初级生产量为24.24kg(青饲料22.24,精料2)。其同化量、组织生长效率、生态生长效率和同化效率分别为9.23kg、16.58%、6.31%、38.08%。本试验基础母兔年平均产仔4.2窝,出售商品肉兔28.4只、年净收入173.52元,商品兔平均净收入 6.11元/只,加上粪尿及其它产品的收入,效益就更为可观。
From April 1989, to April 1990,6 litter Belgium Rabbi ts (39ones ) were mesured. The results are as follows; In general conditons, rabbit with weight 2.07±O.llkg in 110±130 days can be marketed. From weaning to the 130th day, 24.24kg net primary production ( green peed 22.24kg,concentrated peed 2kg ) in total were cosumed. The assimilation, tissue growth efficiency, ecological growth afficiency and assimilative are respectively 9.23kg、16.58%. 6.31% and 38.08%. In this research, we had 4.2 litters by average a year to one basis female rabbit, marketed commodity fleshy rabbit 28.4 ones with net benefit 173.52 yuan, one commodity fleshy rahhit can produce net benefit 6.11 yuan, and more benefit can be obtained4lf the benefit of rejecta and other hyproducts are calculated.
commodity Fleshy Rabbit
Net primary Production
Ecological Efficiency
Efficiency Analyes