巴陵石油化工有限公司烯烃厂ARGG装置在两器主体设备基本不动的条件下 ,催化剂再生方式由完全再生改为不完全再生 ,处理量由 0 .80Mt a提高至 1.0 5Mt a ,催化剂单耗由 0 .8kg t降至 0 .65kg t,装置能耗由3 .60 1GJ t降至 3 .2 66GJ t;液化石油气和柴油收率分别提高 1.2 3和 0 .46个百分点 ,汽油收率降低 1.5 7个百分点 ,总液体收率增加 0 .13个百分点 ;年经济效益 3 43 8× 10 4 RMB $。
Complete catalyst regeneration of ARGG unit in Olefin Plant of Baling Petrochemical Co. Ltd has been changed to incomplete catalyst regeneration with the reactor and regenerator kept basically the same. Capacity of the unit has increased from 16 000 b/d to 21 000 b/d, catalyst cost has decreased from 0.8 kg/t to 0.65 kg/t and energy consumption from 3.601 GJ/t to 3.266 GJ/t.Yields of LPG and diesel oil have increased by 1.23 and 0.46 percent point respectively, gasoline yield has decreased by 1.57 percent point and total liquid yield has increased by 0.13 percent point. Annual economical benefit is 3 438×10 4 RMB yuan
Petroleum Refinery Engineering