抚顺石化分公司 12 0 0kt/a催化柴油中压加氢精制 (改质 )装置中的两台高温高压加氢反应器 ,由于采用了抗氢性能好、应力强度高的 3Cr 1Mo V新材料 ,同时采用了有限元分析设计法 ,因此不仅降低了反应器壳体的厚度 ,更重要的是提高了反应器的综合技术性能。另外 ,对 3Cr 1Mo
Two sets high temperature high pressure hydrogenated reactors of 1200kt/a catalytic diesel fuel medium pressure hydrorefining(mass modification),owning to adopting new material 3Cr 1Mo 1/4V of high strength and good hydrogen resistance,was designed by finite element analysis design method simultaneous.So that the thickness of reactor shell was decreased,in particular the comprehensive technical performance of reactor was raised.In addition it promoted actively the popularization and application of new type hydrogen resistance steel 3Cr 1Mo 1/4V.
Petrochemical Equipment Technology