用台湾红罗非鱼 (以下简称台红 )和吉富品系尼罗罗非鱼 (以下简称吉富 )进行杂交 ,观察正反杂交后代的体色分离和生长差异。结果表明 :(1)正反杂交子代的体色均出现分离 ,台红 (♀ )×吉富 (♂ )子代的体色以全红和花斑为主 ,两者的比例为 1∶1,吉富 (♀ )×台红 (♂ )子代中红色个体的比例为 83.8% ,优于红罗非鱼自行繁衍之后代。 (2 ) 12 2d网箱试验的结果表明 ,正反交子代及其亲本的日增重率由高到低依次为吉富 >反交〔吉富 (♀ )×台红 (♂ )〕 >正交〔台红 (♀ )×吉富 (♂ )〕 >台红。 4种鱼的生长速度存在极显著的差异 (P =0 .0 0 0 2 0 )。正交和反交子代的日增重率分别比台红提高 18.4 %和 2 4 .5 %。若考虑到种内的体色 ,日增重率存在极显著的体色间差异 (P =0 .0 0 2 3)。总之 ,反交子代具有红色个体比例高、生长速度快等优势 。
Pigmentation segregations and growth performances of reciprocal hybrids between Taiwan red tilapia and GIFT Nile tilapia were observed .There sult showed that① Pigmentationsegregationswereobservedinbothpositivehybridandnegativehybrid .Whole redpigmentationandblack -spotpigmentationweremajorinpositivehybridstock ,whose ratiowas 1∶1 .Innegativehybridstock ,thewholeredindividualsaccountedfor 83.8%ofthe totality .② 1 2 2days’growingtestinnetcagesshowedthatmostsignificantdifferencesexisted amongthefourtestedfish (P =0 .0 0 0 2 0 )regardlessofthepigmentation .GIFT Niletilapia grewthefastest and negativehybrid ,positivehybrid and Taiwanredtilapiainsequence . Comparison to the Taiwanred tilapia,the growthrates of positivehybridandnegativehybrid wereimproved by 1 8.4%and 2 4 .5 %respectively .Onaccount of the pigmentation ,the daily growth rate had the most significant differences in pigmentation .All in all,the negative hybrid was characterized by its higher red individual ratio and faster growth rate,so it could be putinto practice.
Fisheries Science & Technology Information