本文立足于高科技企业财务管理环境的分析 ,指出高科技企业宏观管理环境现存在产业政策不明确 ,融资渠道欠通畅等问题 ;其微观管理环境存在公司治理结构不完善 ,企业不够重视财务管理等问题。为了完善高科技企业的财务管理环境 ,提高其财务管理水平 ,政府部门应从宏观上为高科技企业提供良好的理财环境 。
This text analyses the environment of high-tech enterprises financing management and points out some problems in the high-tech enterprises macroscopic, such as: industry policy is not clear; financing channel is not smooth. The microcosmic management environment exists some problems such as: the companies manage structure is not perfect and the enterprises pay not enough attention to financing management. In order to solve these problems the government should provide good financial environment for the high-tech enterprises and the high-tech enterprises themselves should perfect microcosmic environment of financing management.
Journal of Hubei College of Finance and Economics