

On the output-driven oriented advanced English teaching
摘要 以文秋芳教授的"输出驱动假设"与"输出驱动—输入促成假设"为理论框架,探索以输出为导向的高级英语教学改革新模式。该模式与传统高级英语教学最大的区别是以输出为终极目标。该模式旨在积极引导高年级英语专业学生进行创造性思维,提升综合素质,满足社会对创新型人才的需求。 Under the guidance of Professor Wen Qiufang's output-driven hypothesis and the output-driven,input-ena-bled hypothesis ,this paper aims to probe into the output-driven model of advanced English teaching methodology . The biggest difference between the output-driven model and the traditional advanced English methodology is the ul-timate purpose of output .It is hoped that the output-driven model can help mold students'creative thinking ,enhance their integrated quality ,and meet the demand for creative talents .
作者 张君
出处 《长春工程学院学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第3期141-143,共3页 Journal of Changchun Institute of Technology(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 山西师范大学校级教改项目(项目编号:SD2011YBKT-10)
关键词 输出 高级英语教学 教学改革 output advanced English teaching teaching reform
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