
抑郁易感性的fMRI研究进展 被引量:3

Research progress of functional magnetic resonance image in vulnerability to depression
摘要 抑郁易感性是一种在特定条件下可以诱发抑郁症产生的内在素质,它是疾病发生的内在基础,已越来越被研究者重视,其与生物、人格、认知、环境等因素有关,已出现了不少的理论研究成果。近年来随着功能性磁共振成像(functional magnetic resonance imaging,f MRI)技术在神经精神领域的发展,研究者开始将f MRI技术用于探索抑郁易感性的神经生物学基础,期望使用f MRI技术检测抑郁认知易感者脑灰质体积和静息态下脑功能特征,探讨抑郁易感者特异性的神经生物学标记,为其生物学机制提供新线索和依据。本文拟从抑郁易感性的定义及分类、抑郁易感者的脑结构与脑功能改变等方面对抑郁易感性的f MRI研究进展作一综述。 Vulnerability to depression is an inner quality which can cause depression appear under certain conditions, it is the inside foundations of the disease occurrence and the researchers have pay more and more attention to it, as well as it related to biology, personality, cognition, environmental factors, there also has appeared a lot of theoretical research. In recent years with the development of fMRI technology in the neuropsychiatric field, the researchers began to use fMRI to explore the neuro-biological foundations of the vulnerability to depression. Using fMRI we examined the features of brain structure and brain function in resting state in subjects with vulnerability to depression, and explored their specificity of the biomarker, in order to provide new clue to neurobiological basis of vulnerability to depression associated with phatophysiological mechanism. In the current paper, we tried to provide a review of fMRI studies focusing on the following aspects: the definition and classification of vulnerability to depression, the brain structure and function changes in depression susceptible.
出处 《磁共振成像》 CAS CSCD 2016年第6期417-421,共5页 Chinese Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
基金 甘肃省青年科技基金计划项目(编号:1506RJYA218)~~
关键词 抑郁症 抑郁易感性 功能磁共振成像 Depression disorder Vulnerability to depression Magnetic resonance imaging,functional
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