为了提高高铁基础设施安全监测的信息化水平,实现监测超标预警的实时性,研究实现高铁基础设施安全监测管理系统。利用ArcScan进行影像矢量化和属性数据录入,系统业务数据库采用Oracle 11g,并在其中建立基于ArcSDE的空间数据库,通过ArcGIS Sever发布地图服务。系统采用B/S体系结构,利用WebSocket技术实现服务器端和浏览器端的实时通信,调用ArcGIS API for JavaScript完成了系统GIS模块功能。通过在试验工程中的应用表明,系统实用性强,提高高铁基础设施安全监测的信息化水平,具有较高的应用价值。
To improve the informatization level of high‐speed railway infrastructure safety monitoring ,and to realize the real‐time warning of overproof monitoring data ,this paper studies and realizes high‐speed railway infrastructure safety monitoring management system ,which completes the image vectorization and attribute data input by use of ArcScan , builds system database in Oracle 11g and constructs spatial database within ,then publishes map service via ArcGIS Server .Based on B/S architecture ,the system in this paper gets to the real‐time communication between the server and browser ,and realizes the functions of GIS module by call of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript .Application shows that the system improves the imformatization level of high‐speed railway infrastructure safety monitoring ,and is of strong practicality .
Engineering of Surveying and Mapping