合成孔径雷达差分干涉测量(Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar,DInSAR)在低相关区由于受时间空间去相关的影响,无法得到有效应用。角反射器DInSAR方法能在长时间段内保持幅度和相位稳定性,可以最大程度地减小去相关的影响。但由于反射器在空间上一般形成不规则稀疏网络分布,在平地相位、高程相位计算及相位展开方法上都带来新的挑战。研究三角反射器的DInSAR技术,重点分析基于不规则离散点的最小费用流相位展开算法。对费用流算法权重的选择,通过分析残差的产生来源,提出以弧所穿越的边长度倒数作为弧费用的权重设置方法,解决费用流算法中具有相同费用路径的选择问题。最后将角反射器DInSAR技术应用于滑坡移动的监测,通过对140d时间段的监测,得到与实测值具有较好一致性的结果。
Difference interferometric synthetic aperture radar(DInSAR)has been a very powerful technique for the measurement of land deformations,but the coherence degradation will seriously affect the quality of interferogram in the low coherence area.Corner reflector DInSAR can compensate for the limitation of the classical DInSAR due to the stable amplitude and phase performance of the reflector.However,the corner reflectors are irregular discrete points in spatial,so it is necessary to develop the new methods for calculating the flat earth phase and the elevation phase and the phase unwrapping.In this paper,the corner reflectors DInSAR technique is analyzed and the minimum cost flow(MCF)phase unwrapping method based on the irregular sparse grid is discussed.Through analyzing the resources of the phase residues,the inverse distance weighted MCF phase unwrapping method is proposed which can decide which branch-cut is the more appropriate when there are two same cost flow paths.Finally,the corner reflectors DInSAR is used for monitoring the movement of Shuping landslide,and the monitoring result is in good agreement with the measurement in site,which shows that corner reflectors DInSAR allows monitoring the ground deformation in low coherence area and provides accurate results.
Engineering of Surveying and Mapping